At the prompting of a trusted friend I've taken a bit of a stroll down memory lane this evening.
Ok, it has been more of a kind of hitching, reeling stumble...but same idea.
I've come to a bit of a conclusion that I hate goodbyes...I deeply hate "endings."
Sure there are times when it the best thing in the WORLD is to get to the end of something...something boring, or tedious, or craptivating.
(Craptivating: adj. something so BAD you can't tear your attention away from it.)
But that is really more of a start, the "start" of something better.
I suppose I am more convinced than ever that God weeps with us when we have a painful goodbye or a sad ending because He KNOWS it was not His wish for us.
How amazing would it have been to walk on the garden in the physical presence of God? And to know that the joys experienced there would continue WITHOUT end...
But for now, trapped in a more temporal reality, if you value nothing else, if you have but one ounce of effort left to give, if your glass is down to the dregs...
Pour all that you have left into relationships, into the people you care about and who care about you. For they're gone from our earthly lives all too quickly.
Pour yourself into bringing them to a saving knowledge of Christ in the expectation that one day we'll look back on the endings, together, and chuckle at how such a small thing was so painful at the time. And we'll wonder how it is that we can hardly remember endings at all.
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