Friday, January 16, 2009

Job 38:1-39:30

The Lord shows up to have His say.

This section doesn't start well for Job.
The storm that seems to have been approaching in the previous chapters has now arrived.
"Then the Lord answered Job out of the storm"

God starts off with what seems like a condemnation of Elihu, who was speaking at the end of the previous chapter:
"Who is this that darkens My counsel with words without knowledge?"
But if you read ahead a little you find out that He is talking about Job.

Then comes the bit we'd not want to hear from our earthly fathers let alone our heavenly father:
"Brace yourself like a man;
I will question you,
and you shall answer me."


The thing that seems key to me here is that God is not disciplining Job for sin but rather for a lack of faith. In his complaining, his arguing for wanting a hearing, Job forgot who God is, forgot His sovereignty.
There is a pretty constant theme throughout the old testament of "remembering".
Remembering what God has done in a specific place: Samuel setting up the Ebenezer stone.
Remembering what God has promised: The rainbow given as a sign to Noah
Remembering what God has spoken: Joshua setting up the stone at Shechem.
Remembering what God has done for His people: The passover
...and numerous other examples.

So here in this early story of Job we see how important it is for us to remember who God is in terms of His sovereignty, His majesty, His power, His creativity, His wisdom. etc.etc.

Again, Job's complaint, "Let me at least face my accuser (God) and present my case because I am wronged!", is way out of line when help up the the light of God saying, "Do you remember who I AM ?"

It makes me wonder how often I allow circumstances, dire or otherwise, to shape my mental picture of God.
How good are we at remembering?

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