Thursday, April 2, 2009

Talk about a freak show!

The book of Judges...mind boggling.

The first generation after the wandering generation forgets God. As soon as Joshua is off the scene the dive straight into the weeds. Now, is this their fault or the fault of their mothers and fathers for not teaching them correctly? I think both parties may be liable but it does make me want to closely examine how well I am doing at teaching my own kids about spiritual things.

The story from chapter 17 is a great example of just how sketchy things got almost immediately:

  • We start with Micah, from the tribe of Ephraim, stealing money from his mother bu feeling guilty enough to bring it back.
  • Mom is so happy she has the silver made into a idol...apparently forgetting all about that 10 commandments thing.
  • Micah recruits a wandering Levite, (tribe number 2) to be his household priest, apparently as some sort of nod to religious tradition because he had previously made his son a priest.
  • A group of Danite spies come by, (tribe number 3) and notice the sweet setup...idol, shrine, Levite priest...and so they enquire whether their upcoming raid will be successful.
  • The spies come back through with their army after receiving a prediction of success from the priest and recruit the priest to come along with them...and while he is at it to bring the "household gods"...apprently there was a variety available.
  • MIcah gets miffed when he finds himself looted, calls out the neighbors, chases down the Danites and says. "What the heck?"
  • The Danites, who must see the Levite and other goodies as a good luck charm in battle, respnd by telling Micah he had better go away or one of them may lose his temper and kill Micah's family.
  • The Danites go off and conquer Liash and set up Micah's rig as their new shrine to God...which persists for generations!
I truly hope that after I am gone I have managed to teach my children, and more than to have taught them but to have lived out in front of them, what it means to follow God faithfully on His terms rather than on our own. AND...that as a result of having taught, and shown, and discipled them...that they will live out their faith in amazing ways.
Please Lord let it be so.

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