Monday, February 2, 2009

Enter Moses

Exodus 1:1 - 4:17

Our story begins with Israel in bondage in Egypt. It has been some 400 or so years since Joseph and the Egyptians are beginning to fear that the Hebrews are becoming too numerous.
I think it is cool that God sheltered His people within Egypt so that the fledgling nation could grow to formidable size without need to sort out how to govern itself or fend off outside enemies. It would be easy to look at it as a negative that they cry out to God in misery and slavery but it seems that a strong and numerous people has grown up under those conditions.
I guess I never caught it before that Moses was from the priestly tribe of Levi. Well, yes, I know it Aaron was of Levi AND was Moses' brother it should have been a no-brainer but I just never caught it...that he was from the clan of the priests.

It is interesting to ponder how much of his family history Moses was aware of at the point where he runs away. If we're to believe the Charlton Heston version he knew of it but didn't know it intimately.

In any case he comes across the burning bush and has his chat with God. Which would freak me out something fierce but he seems to be fine with it.
You do have to love Moses' excuses though:
Who/why me?
Who should I say sent me again?
What if they don't believe me?
I don't talk so good!
Send someone else!!

God doesn't buy any of it...
"Pick up your stick and get with it!"

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